The members of the Healing Hearts meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Dana's Flowers at 203 Columbus Street East in Fayette. The group encourages those suffering the grief […]
The City Council meetings scheduled for December 12 and 26 have been combined and rescheduled for today. Meeting will be at the Civic Center beginning at 11:30.
The Fayette Garden Club meets the First Tuesday of each month from September through May at the County Extension office next to the Multi-Purpose Building behind Wal-Mart. Meetings begin at […]
Municipal Court is held the First and Third Tuesday of each month. Court begins at 5:00 PM. The Court Office is open Monday - Friday from 8 AM to 4 […]
The Fayette City Council meets the Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month. The meeting begins at 5 PM at the Fayette City Hall, 204 Temple Avenue North. Phone (205) […]
City Hall will be closed January 15 for the MLK / REL Holiday.
Municipal Court is held the First and Third Tuesday of each month. Court begins at 5:00 PM. The Court Office is open Monday - Friday from 8 AM to 4 […]
The Fayette City Council meets the Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month. The meeting begins at 5 PM at the Fayette City Hall, 204 Temple Avenue North. Phone (205) […]
The Fayette Garden Club meets the First Tuesday of each month from September through May at the County Extension office next to the Multi-Purpose Building behind Wal-Mart. Meetings begin at […]